Доклад поклонникa:
читать дальше Gale's character was "Mister Papers," and he looked gorgeous and sounded great. He was wearing a brown suit, and glasses, and he had a little scruff, and it was completely fantastic to see him acting, in this tiny theater, just five feet away from where we were sitting.
All three of the plays that were presented were very well written. The young writers expressed depth beyond their years. The one Gale acted in was last and was the longest. As Verybookish reported, Gale looked gorgeous and sounded great. I loved the way he said the Russian words. It was a thrill as always seeing Gale perform a few feet away.
He wasn't on stage the whole time. He was an important characater but not the central one.. In typical Gale fashion, he did not want to take the spotlight from those that the night was really about. Once the cast took their bows and the writers received their awards, he didn't stay around too long. He may have come back out later. I don't know because we - me and the two people I attended with - decided that as much as we love Gale, the night wasn't about him. I think it's so wonderful that he is participating in so many of these ventures supporting local theater and celebrating new talent. I had a wonderful evening doing something I probably never would have done if not for Gale being a part of it.
Я только вчера сказала, что Гейл учит русский, ха-ха