Харольд официальный

Пишет  artandmen:
14.07.2014 в 17:34

Я послушала что Гейл в видео говорит, вот мой примерный траскрипт. В квадратных скобках - дополнения от меня.
Hi everybody, this is Miller, Miller Spence. How are you doing?
Listen, Shirley and Gale want me to get in touch with you and I'll give you an update on this project that you've so graciously...[sponsored]. They'd like you to know that I'd made a bunch of notes made on a first draft of this sсript and I've been going back and forth. And writer Jim Nough [?] ... he started a second draft maybe yesterday or over the weekend, I think they said. Maybe... well, anyway, let's call it "post-4th of July". Now... they're going trying to give this thing shaped up in a next three weeks, maybe. And then they do, they are going to send you another update or maybe the will make me do it, I don't know. I'm just their...I am just their friend and help them out sometimes. Sometimes, I'm Miller, sometimes I'm other people. But the point is we [are] really happy how the things are up and running and we're very grateful to you. [aside] Is it that what you're gonna say? Yes? Okay.
Yeah, they want me to tell you that they are real[ly] grateful for all the support and...
They still have some trouble with owls but the scripts are sort of bigger problem right now. Well, the owls are on a loose but the scripts are running like mad all over the place and they just gonna get them under control ... you know, how it goes.
So stay tuned, take it easy and we'll get back in touch with you when we've got some more news. Shouldn't be too much longer. Hopefully [?] before the sun is all gone.
Alright. [aside] Is that good? Is that good? You liked what I did? I did what you told me to! Okey, okey, okey.
Alright, bye!

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