понедельник, 11 июля 2011
Я заказывала Ренди в рубашке, но в белой... А, это со вчерашнего Томми, девушке повезло. И вот ищу фотку с публикой, счас найду будем знакомых разыскивать)))
Роль маленького Томми исполняла девочка, Ренди после спектакля вышел к публике.
свидетельство фаната randyharrison.livejournal.com/
The audience was energetic and the cast felt it and gave back in spades. For my second viewing of Tommy, I noticed the difference. Randy in his silver outfit was a sight for sore eyes and when he first appeared in it got a huge cheer and whoop from the audience. The director really pulled off the telling of the story as it smoothly transitioned through the stages of Tommy's life story from a young (five?) year old to 10 to 19. It was actually a little girl who played the youngest Tommy and she was adorable in a long white dress and complete with a wrist corsage after the performance at the celebratory party. I couldn't resist getting a picture of Randy with his young Tommy alter egos at the party. It w as clear that everyone in the cast adored the little girl. I was glad to see the reaction of the fans at the after party was quite respectful to Randy when he finally came out to meet everyone, compared to the one I was at two years ago in Stockbridge. I think the fact that people could see that if he was going to stick around for a bit, they would get their chance to meet with him and didn't have to rush him to catch up with him before he ran away. In fact, at the end of the evening, most of the fans had gone and Randy and Brian were allowed to have a bit of fun and mingle with their friends unbothered.
Рендольф, Томми
И вечеринка какая-то все-таки была, но о квировцах - ни слова. Где же, по крайней мере, Скотти???