Gale Harold Style
Style: What is your personal style?
Gale: Pretty simple: stovepipe pants, cheap black glasses, used leather, rayon gabardine with lots of piping, hard woods, Spanish wine, Italian boots, loud music, long legs, big windows, salsa cruda, Republican-free futures.
Style: Do you enjoy dressing up?
Gale: I do. Especially if I have enough time to enjoy getting ready, like a summer night when the sun is setting late, condensation from the vodka tonic's leaving water rings on the furniture, maybe some Junior Wells on the stereo. The simple act of cinching a Windsor knot gets kinda deep.
Style: What do you wear for a night out?
Gale: Usually Levi's, boots or Pumas, and a T-shirt. If I'm dressing up, maybe a sharkskin suit. Or a microdress . . .
Style: Where do you like to shop?
Gale: I buy a lot of used stuff. Toronto - where we shoot - has great vintage shops. I found a really hot '60s pinstripe suit on Queen Street with a perfect shape. It's navy with blood-red lining. Unbeatable.
Style: What is your personal style?
Gale: Pretty simple: stovepipe pants, cheap black glasses, used leather, rayon gabardine with lots of piping, hard woods, Spanish wine, Italian boots, loud music, long legs, big windows, salsa cruda, Republican-free futures.
Style: Do you enjoy dressing up?
Gale: I do. Especially if I have enough time to enjoy getting ready, like a summer night when the sun is setting late, condensation from the vodka tonic's leaving water rings on the furniture, maybe some Junior Wells on the stereo. The simple act of cinching a Windsor knot gets kinda deep.
Style: What do you wear for a night out?
Gale: Usually Levi's, boots or Pumas, and a T-shirt. If I'm dressing up, maybe a sharkskin suit. Or a microdress . . .
Style: Where do you like to shop?
Gale: I buy a lot of used stuff. Toronto - where we shoot - has great vintage shops. I found a really hot '60s pinstripe suit on Queen Street with a perfect shape. It's navy with blood-red lining. Unbeatable.
Конечно не безразличен, у него свой стиль, и это - явно не голубой костюм
А мне нрав, как он одевается)))
Как и я, наша Рыбка довольно консервативен в одежде, муа-муа)))