Харольд наговаривает на себя, мне кажется. Я вижу тут два варианта: или русские хакеры как обычно взломали его аккаунт, или влияние новой политики Белого дома(куда ж теперь без политики?), удалившей страницу ЛГБТ сообщества со своего сайта.
Пишет koricayu:
Пишет koricayu:
03.02.2017 в 09:33
[Без слов...#notgaysorry#трулавURL комментария
I love this woman! We've been through hell, but I want to say once and for all that my love for her is true.
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Friendship, Quote life and So true on Pinterest
See more about Friendship, Quote life and So true. ... I believe this We have been through hell and back but it has only made us ... I could be there for her, she could never be bothered. ... I'm not saying you should stay if your in unhealthy relationship like cheating or .... I loved you, I gave you my all, and what did I get back?